grades: 6-12

Music with a Message is a high energy assembly that incorporates live music and visual illustrations to articulate a message that is centered on four principles.

TRUTH: There is only one you.

Hope: Never give up.

LOVE: Love yourself, Love others.

Purpose: Find your gift and share it with the world. 


Kindness Starts with Me and Kindness Starts with You

Grades: 6-12

Each year Think Kindness a 501(c)3 non-profit organization travels the country challenging students to make the world a better place in just 15 days! Miguel has been privileged to join the organization where he shares the power of his story. Helping students understand the importance of loving themselves and sharing that love through acts of kindness.

Please visit for more information.

Life after school

audience: Grades 9-12 / College

A powerful message that will awaken the hearts and minds of young adults who are searching for the next step after school. Traditional teachings have instilled that you only have four options after school (college, workforce, military, gap year). Miguel uses his experience and expertise to help the next generation find their calling and create the career they’ve always dreamed of.